My sizzling start

One night a person named Nuke was on a boat with a nuke when he suddenly found land but there was a house. So Nuke pulled over.Well he pulled over a person came out of the house. He had a computer, he was tall and skinny, had a green shirt and black pants.He also had long brown hair. “Who are you. Shouted Nuke. “My name is deer and bye bye.” he said.Then he used his computer and started typing. Then Nuke heard a sssssssssss. Then Nuke wondered what was going to happen next. 

next time I will make it more creepier.

I did not like it because we could only write the start of the story

I learned about suspense.

I liked that we got to choose what ever we want to write.

Embedding A Google Slide

  1. You go to your slides and go to file then you click on share
  2. Then you click on Embedding and find the right times for each slide and the size is better medeim or small and go to the code and press ctrl c on the code to copy the code
  3.  then you  go to add Media into insert Embed code press  ctrl v to paste.


I liked the funny dinosaurs.

It was challenging to understand what it meant.

First I had to go to our pod site and into the  summer learning journing.

Then I added pictures to make it.

Lucas C’s Super Hero

What I found hard: the description.

What I liked: I liked doing the picture.

If I did this again what would I do: I would do it in the site craiyon and I would make a villain.

  1. We made a dock or a slide to put our information
  2. after that we made a picture of our super hero using google draw or craiyon
  3. after that we downloaded it to put on our BLOG.

creative lunapic art

Today I created a lunapic collage.

To do this I had a picture then I went to lunapic and chose different textures then we screen shotted that picture of the four different elf’s and put it on the slide.

It was fun to see how it turned out.

It was hard to do understand the steps.

If  I did this again I would do more than one picture.


Creative creepy creatures

We have been learning about under the ocean and the levels.

We learned this so that we could understand about the topic

I created a megalodon shark with a whale shark eating a fish in its mouth and used a pencil and paper to shade a megalodon.

This shows what I have learned about the creatures.

I enjoyed shading the megalodon
I found it challenging to cutting it out.
My next step is to put it on the black laminator.
If I did this activity again I would make it a little bit bigger.

List all your animals you know under water.

sience and reading